Stress / Mental Peace / Inner Fitness

Stressed and mentally disturbed

Everyone wants to live a long and happy life .The question is that if you are mentally stressed / tensed will you be able to experience a happy life .Will you be able to live a long life with hypertension . One of the leading reasons behind heart attack is Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) . Hypertension can happen due to many reasons. In simple terms hypertension can be the reason for your short life.

One should not deal with stress as you deal with all those things which are important for you or which are valuable and necessary in life and stress is not amongst those. Stress is just a word .If we can define stress then it can be defined as “Stress is nothing but lack of Mental Peace ” which generally happens when you are out of your comfort zone or you are worried for something.

If you are trying to avoid stress or trying to mange stress by avoiding to do those things or managing those things by which you feel you get stressed then you are not opting a right approach . The moment you avoid those things your mind will find new reasons to feel stressed. Today’s Life is very dynamic and every second comes with uncertainty. 

The best way to not feel stressed is to practice Inner Peace Techniques.

Stress Free .Ways to Manage Stress

The so called myth “Stress” is felt more by people in difficult or unusual situations. Generally this myth is nothing but a signal of danger by brain which brain gives when the brain find something which is not certain or something which is not experienced before by the brain. The thinking capacity of the brain reduces at that time and when the brain is not able to find the instant solution to this unusual scenario ,it says “Danger” which is often automatically correlated as danger or risk to life. Here things get out of control. 

Many of us feel that we need to sacrifice our current living and go to mountains and start meditation and probably after a decade we would fine inner peace or will have to become a monk. That’s not the fact! The fact is that if we can control our mind ,we can bring it into peace . We can purposely calm our mind bring it into peace doesn’t matter in how difficult or critical situation you are in .  


There are some beautiful technical ways and some very basic every day doing ways / techniques by which we can slowly and gradually train our mind/brain ,bring it under our control and make it feel calm , composed , better , comfortable or relaxed which is indeed called as mental peace .

Buzzing Bell is a team of experts who teach different techniques to find inner peace / stay mentally fit for all situations. You can reach the experts by clicking on the button given below or press the whatsapp icon given on the left bottom corner. 


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